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لمبرجيني هوراكان تحترق بالكامل في محطة وقود – فيديو

لمبرجيني هوراكان تحترق بالكامل في محطة وقود – فيديو

Yes, that was myself and my friend with the two Lamborghinis at the gas station last night. We were out driving for a bit and I needed to go get gas. The blue Lamborghini pulled up right behind me. He decided to go in to get us waters and while I was trying to pay for my gas at the pump there was a card error, so I also went inside. As soon as we walked in, we saw a massive fireball out the window. We all ran out of the gas station to the other side of the road. At this point, we had no idea what happened or who’s car(s) were on fire. We dialed 911 and when the fire was out you could see that his car was completely burned down, ours just covered in ash. While talking to police and firefighters a man ran up and said he saw what happened. He was recording the cars to show his friends and caught a guy driving off with a gas pump still in his car. The pump sprayed fuel directly into the Huracan’s engine bay and it instantly ignited. Police found the guy that did it and everything will be taken care of. Just thankful we all got away safe and it didn’t escalate into a bigger fire. Video of the van – swipe left

A post shared by Parker Gelber (@parker.exotics) on

احترقت سيارة لمبرجيني هوراكان في محطة وقود في مدينة سانت لويس بأمريكا.
حيث تسبب بالحريق سائق سيارة أخرى في المحطة كان يهم بمغادرة المحطة وخرطوم الوقود مازال متصلا بفتحة خزان سيارته ويبدو أن البنزين تناثر على لمبرجيني ووصل إلى فتحات المحرك وأشعل النيران على الفور.

وتم الإتصال على الطوارئ وتمكنوا من السيطرة على الحريق ومنعها من الانتشار في المحطة ولكن لمبرجيني احترقت بالكامل وتم القبض على السائق المتسبب بالحريق ولحسن الحظ لم يصب أحد بمكروه.


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